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Terms and Conditions, Disclaimer

This web site is provided by the State of Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) pursuant to sections 3 & 20 of Act 182 (2012). These sections of Act 182 add a new Notice of Public Sale process for associations, designated Hawaii Revised Statutes §667-96, and amend Hawaii Revised Statutes §667-27 to provide foreclosing associations and mortgagees with an option to provide electronic publication of certain notices of public sale. Users of this site must be familiar with the nonjudicial foreclosure process, including but not limited to the requirements of Chapter 667, Hawaii Revised Statutes and Act 182 (2012). Electronic notice issued pursuant to this site is one of a number of notices that owners receive as part of the nonjudicial foreclosure process.

The information contained in the notices of public sale is provided by the foreclosing mortgagee. None of the information contained in the notice of public sale is provided by DCCA.

No posted information is intended to constitute legal or professional advice. Assessing the accuracy and reliability of information contained in the web site is the user's responsibility.

Because the information on this site is uploaded by users of the site, all information obtained through this web site is provided by DCCA on an "as is" basis and DCCA makes no warranties, express or implied, including any Warranty of Merchantability or Fitness for a Particular Purpose, and makes no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of the information accessed, the timeliness of the delivery of the transactions, delivery to the correct party, preservation of privacy, and security of users. No one shall be entitled to claim detrimental reliance on any views or information, whether provided by or accessed through this web site, or to claim any duty on the part of DCCA to update posted information or to protect the interests of those accessing this web site. In no event shall the DCCA, its divisions, employees or other parties involved in maintaining or delivering the information contained therein be liable for damages of any nature whatsoever, arising from the use of or inability to use this web site. By accessing this web site, the user agrees that the DCCA, its divisions, employees and other parties involved in maintaining or delivering the information contained therein shall be immune from any liability and damages arising from inaccuracies or incompleteness in the data provided.

This web site may provide links to servers maintained by other organizations. The DCCA provides no warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy or source of any information found on such servers or the contents of any file or data downloaded from such third-party sites. Links to other sites or from other sites to this web site do not constitute an endorsement by DCCA or the State of Hawaii. These links are provided for convenience only.

Unless expressly provided to the contrary, communications through this web site by email or other means shall not constitute filing with, or providing notice to the DCCA or to any of its divisions, agencies, employees, agents or representatives. Because this web site is dependent upon limited funding, it is possible that heightened usage may result in difficulty accessing the site, data processing errors, less frequent updates, and delays in responding to technical support and usage questions.

By continuing, you are agreeing and affirming that you have read, understand and agree to all the statements set forth in this Disclaimer.